Special Outside Visit to Helmingham Hall, in mid-Suffolk – with a Garden Tour by their Head Gardener.
The Ipswich Group, Suffolk Family History Society, have organised a guided tour of the fabulous gardens, at Helmingham Hall by the Head Gardener. There will also be time for a wander around the Grounds, plus a visit to Helmingham Church.
After exploring the gardens, or taking a refreshment break Weavers Restaurant, it will be time to head to Helmingham Church. The church is on the edge of the Estate. There is a pathway through the estate to the church. The church is like a mini-Cathedral, as it has many elaborate memorials, several to the Tollemache Family who have owned and lived in Helmingham Hall for many centuries.
Date: Thursday 20 June, by Noon. The tour will start at 1pm.
Venue: Helmingham Hall, near Stowmarket IP14 6EF
Car Sharing is being encourages, so if you need a lift – or can help someone else – please say!
Cost: £16:00 per person. You will have to pay for any refreshments you may purchase in the Weavers Restaurant.
To book, contact Howard King 01473 274300 NOW, as there are limited places.
For more information, e-mail: [email protected]
NOTE: There will be no June Meeting at the Salvation Army Citadel, Ipswich.