The East Anglia UFO Group’s special guest this month is author, public speaker, business visionary and UFO researcher, Dave Hodrien.

In this detailed new presentation, ‘Beyond the veil: the missing time phenomenon’,  Dave will looking into various aspects of this strange but increasingly reported phenomenon. And will leave you wondering what on earth is going on. Dave is one of the leading members of BUFOG (Birmingham UFO Group). He will be displaying and talking of several cases he has investigated himself.

Tony Buckingham (East Anglia UFO Group) said, “It has taken us many months to secure this presentation & we are privileged to have Dave come to us with his presentation.

When: Monday 20th November, starting at 7.30pm prompt.
Where: The White Hart Hotel, High Street, Newmarket. 8BG 8JP.
Cost: £5.00 on the night.
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