Ipswich Group, Suffolk Family History Society present:
Derek Clarke, holder of much of the Ransomes and Rapier Archive who will be talking about:
The Ingenuity of The Ipswich Firm Ransomes and Rapier – World leader in Heavy Engineering for many years.
When: Wednesday 7th February 2024, starting at 7:30pm. Ends about 9:30pm.
Where: The Salvation Army Citadel, 558, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich, IP4 4PH
Enter building via door off rear Car Park
Admission: £2 (members), £3.00 (non-members, who are very welcome). Pay at door. No need to pre-book – just turn up in good time.
You can join the Suffolk Family History Society at this Event. Society membership is only £12 for a whole family living at one address for a year. If you are over 60 it costs £10. More information at suffolkfhs.co.uk.